10. Most Annoying Gay Celebrity
Rosie “I-eat-Trumps-like-you-for breakfast” O’Donnell...versus... Adam “American Midol” Lambeth
It would seem that Rosie would win this decision hands down from her long, preachy “Gays-got-it-going-on-" diatribes from her days on “The View,” her TMI true confessions of "Lesbians-gone-wild" romps with ex-girlfriend Kelly to the self-indulgent video-blog whining (seriously Rosie ... seriously?)
I'mma have to rule in favor of new kid on the block, the contender, Adam!
He’s the clear-cut winner and most annoying due to last year’s b*tch-fest about how his shocking and cutting-edge homoerotic AMA performance was not accepted like Madonna’s shocking and cutting- edge homoerotic AMA performance in years past.
...Um, she’s Madonna and you’re this year’s Bo Bice, take your prize-belt and wait for that call from VH1 “American Idol Stars, Where Are They Now?” Until then continue to pimp the flag of gay pride, may it forever wave fab-u-lousssssssssly!

Steve “Buy my book” Harvey.... versus... Tom “Fly-Jock” Joyner
Hmmmm, to be clear: BOTH newcomer Harvey and veteran Joyner do their part as the voices for civil rights blended with the best old skool and new skool jams on the air. BOTH have their fingers on the pulse of the black community reporting on everything from all-things-Obama, national and local cases of racism to lesser-discussed issues within the race itself. Steve may have entered the arena with a clear-cut jab to Tom’s lack of spiritual presence with his well-loved morning testimonials, but Tom will always earn extra points for his “Take-a loved-one-to-the-doctor-day,” HBCU Foundation and tours, and all-around-philanthropy. Tom occasionally slipped with dry, guest moderators and lost much momentum before the unceremonious dismissal of Uncle Tom … *ahem* I mean Tavis Smiley, during the elections, but recovered when listeners got tired of the often coonish, “Amos-N-Andy” antics of Steve and Tommy and ran to flip the dial before commercial break.
The people have spoken: TOM JOYNER by a "FKO!" (Free-money knock-out)
Now that the “TJMS” show has trimmed it’s once bloated cast down to the principal three players Tom, Sybil and J. Anthony Brown their chemistry is in sync with the show’s generosity, after all Tom gives out money every hour, and who wouldn’t want that?
Britney “Bald and Beautiful” Spears ....versus.... Lady “Vampira” Gaga
The champ, Britney earned her lightweight belt (and straight jacket to match) a few years ago when she married her once anonymous backup singer, “K-Fed” hatched two kids with him and then dumped him via text message after two years. What proceeded was nuthin’ but a pure “Crazy-like-that-glue” public relations nightmare: shaving her head bald, beating her ex’s car with an umbrella, almost dropping her kids and driving them around without a seat belt and last but not least ... walking around with no panties on and flashing her Va-jay-jay!
(Which as my mama would say is not only crazy but "just plain stank")
Who else, ‘Brit-Brit’ by a landslide; the contender Lady Gaga, didn’t even have a chance!
Although Gaga comes off a bit ... well, "gaga" (the name fits) her media-whoredom is more crazy like a fox than being really bona-fide bonkers and has created the necessary attention to stay in the spotlight these days. Although Miz Spears was facing some stiff competition from Rehab-Queen Amy Wino-house and eternally-angry P!NK for nuttiest siren ever, let’s face it: Britney is one "Toxic” boyfriend away from donning a black, Columbine trench coat ... and if she does, the inevitable No. 1 hit she’ll do about "scorned love and revenge" will touch millions of her fans all the way from her padded pink cell.
7. MOST OVERRATED BOOTY IN THE BIZNESS:Read the rest @ "Rolling Out" com @ The Top 10 Best of the Best Slamdowns